Follow along as I build out my latest project, a social network prototype. The main focus of this project will be to implement Android Architecture design patterns(MVVM) while also taking advantage of Android Jetpack Libraries.
My first freelance website for Heritage Bronze: Fine Art Foundry. Some of the programming languages and technologies I used to build this website are: HTML, EJS, JavaScript, SASS, Node.js, Express, Bootstrap, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Cloud Firestore, Firebase Storage, Firebase Functions, Firebase Hosting, and Cookies.
A community ranked recipe search app. The application is written in Kotlin and features Android Jetpack components such as ViewPager2 and Compose. Meal Pal obtains data from a REST APl using Retrofit, then fetches rank information from Firebase. Once the recipes and rank are received through an AsyncTask(now deprecated) the recipes are organized according to rank and the data is loaded to the user interface.
Music API is a set of four backend web microservices developed for my web development class.
Gym Pal is an Android application I worked on from 2017-2019. The Application is available for download on the google play store.
Natours is a front end website I created for my course Advanced CSS and SASS, it was written in html, sass and javascript. click learn more for more datails on the website.